
Volker Sack
CEO, Analyst & Co-Founder
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- Almost 25 years of capital market experience as corporate analyst (equities, credit) including more than 20 years in a management position
- Coverage: predominantly insurance companies, but also stocks such as Deutsche Post AG, Sartorius AG
- Research support for numerous capital market transactions, such as IPOs, SPOs, capital increases as well as promissory note loan transactions (SSD)
- Head of the DVFA Corporate Analysis Commission (German Association of Investment Professionals)

Oliver Drebing
Analyst & Co-Founder
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- A passion for project work
- In-depth knowledge of company valuation and experience in assessing business models
- Generalist, changing sector focus in the course of analyst career: semiconductor industry, renewable energies, mechanical engineering, healthcare, oil & gas, industrial metals, shipping
- Regularly entrusted with stock coverage on conglomerates (Siemens, GE)
- View of the markets: confidence tempered by scepticism

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- More than 25 years of capital market experience as a floor, bond and macro analyst and market strategist
- Many years of responsibility for forecasts focussing on the economy, inflation, interest rates, exchange rates and equity indices
- Coverage of various countries and currency areas, in particular the USA, Eurozone, UK, but also China, Japan and Australia
- Development of analysis tools, primarily for fundamental analysis, but also for chart analysis and behavioural finance
- Author of the financial market book “Using Economic Indicators in Analysing Financial Markets” (2023, Emerald Publishing)

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- Almost 30 years of professional experience, including more than 15 years as a business analyst on capital market products and in credit risk management as a corporate analyst and more than ten years as a fixed income and corporate credit analyst in research
- Coverage of numerous companies from various sectors such as industry, services and banking
- Research-based support for various Schuldschein loan transactions

Karsten Rahlf
Analyst & Co-Founder
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- More than 35 years capital market experience, including in management positions and as corporate analyst
- Coverage: equities, credits, promissory note loans mainly in the consumer and retail goods industries
- Research support for numerous IPOs, asset management, wealth management

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- Over 35 years of professional experience in the financial sector
- Capital market expert with extensive trading experience in equities, derivatives and credits as well as in the Debt Capital Market (DCM), including market making activities at Eurex and Deutsche Börse, formerly registered Commodity Trading Advisor (CTA) with successful management of managed accounts and Primary Market Dealer
- Renowned lecturer and speaker on topics such as banking and stock exchange trading, technical market analysis, behavioural finance and AI with integration of these topics in social media
- Strong leadership and coaching skills combined with strategic financial management and modern teaching methods

Andreas Schüler
Analyst & Co-Founder
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- Analyst for German and international stocks since 2017
- Coverage: predominantly food & beverage industries, consumer goods, mechanical engineering, commodities
- Capital market support: company valuations, bond issues, IPOs, capital increases
- Tech- and internet-savvy
Supervisory Board

Achim Heyer
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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- Managing Director of Repairon GmbH
- Just under 20 years professional experience as an auditor, 15 years of which as a partner in a medium-sized auditing company
- Many years of experience on supervisory boards (administrative board of the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany and supervisory board of CBM Deutschland e.V.)

Michael Schubert
Vice-Chairman of the Supervisory Board
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- More than 35 years of capital market experience, of which 25 years as Head of Research for Landesbank Berlin AG
- Member of numerous investment committees advising institutional investors
- Long-standing board member of the DVFA (Deutsche Vereinigung für Finanzanalyse und Asset Management e.V.), the German professional association of analysts and capital market experts, currently Vice Chairman of the Ombudsman Board
- Long-standing lecturer on capital market issues at the University of Potsdam (Chair of Finance and Banking Prof. Dr D. Hummel)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the Business Mathematics and Financial Services Risk Management degree programmes at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW)

Sabine Lidl
Supervisory Board Member
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- Currently, Division Manager Group Compliance und Chief Compliance Officer, Bayerische Landesbank, Munich
- 25 years of professional experience in the field of Compliance and Capital Market Compliance, of which more than 12 years in a management position

Michael Schickling
Supervisory Board Member
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- Deputy Head of Investor Relations, Corporate & ESG Communications at SAF-HOLLAND SE
- More than 30 years of capital market experience as Equity Research Analyst, Head of Institutional Equity Research, Senior Consultant Investor Relations and Financial Communications as well as Head of Investor Relations
- Research support for several IPOs
- Head of Project Management for the IPO of SHW AG
- Long-standing member of the expert group financial reporting for industry/trade in the DVFA as well as a member of various working groups of the Accounting Standards Committee of Germany (ASCG)
»Qualification matrix of the Supervisory Board